MUSIC is one of the 6th Class of EFRCs funded in 2022 and dedicated towards mechano-chemical understanding of ceramic ionic conductors (CICs). MUSIC integrates the fields of materials science, electrochemistry, and solid-state mechanics to understand the mechano-electrochemical phenomena underlying the manufacturing and operation of ceramics for advanced electrochemical technologies. The fundamental knowledge created will advance electrochemical energy storage systems such as long-duration energy storage, hydrogen fuel cells, and solid-state.
Lead Institution: University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Active Years: 2022-2026
Our Strength: 9 Institutes, 16 PIs, >35 Early Career Researchers, 1 DEIW Leader
Goal and Vision
Mission: MUSIC Integrates the fields of materials science, electrochemistry, and solid-state mechanics to understand the mechano-electrochemical phenomena underlying the manufacturing and operation of ceramics for advanced electrochemical technologies.
Vision: The fundamental knowledge created will advance electrochemical energy storage systems such as long-duration energy storage, hydrogen fuel cells, and solid-state batteries.